6 Kasım 2023 Pazartesi

IFS Döviz Değerleme Bakiye İçin Çalışsın

 --Döviz değerleme yalnızca bakiye için çalışsın isteniyorsa 

--Onaylı fiş satırları tablosunda aşağıdaki sorgudan dönen voucher_no lar için 

-- voucher_row_tab tablosundaki party_type='CUSTOMER' alanı customer olarak güncellenecek

SELECT * FROM IFSAPP.Trype_All_Voucher_Qry a

where a.party_type IS NULL

 and a.accounting_year='2023' 

 and a.account='121.03'


 select r.company,r.voucher_no from voucher_row_tab r

 where r.party_type!='CUSTOMER'


 update voucher_row_tab 

 set party_type='CUSTOMER'

 where r.voucher_no IN ( SELECT a.voucher_no FROM IFSAPP.Trype_All_Voucher_Qry a

where a.party_type IS NULL

and a.accounting_year='2023' 

and a.account='121.03' )



12 Ekim 2023 Perşembe

Delphi Button Onclik Event

  Action := TBasicAction.Create(Self);

  { Set the OnExecute event handler. }

  Action.OnExecute := BtnRafSorgula.OnClick;

veya ;



9 Haziran 2023 Cuma

IFS ERP Uninstall

 Two ways for uninstall IFS ERP

This will clear the .NET DLL cache on the offending computer. 

In order to do that
1. Log in to the offending machine.
2. Close all the opened click once applications (IFS) on that machine.
3. Open a command prompt
4. Run the command: rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache
5. Wait few minutes. (Even though the command returns within a second, it is running in the background)

Or the way I normally do it 

1.  Log out of IFS

2. Delete the 2.0 folder in the following location on the offending PC C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Apps



4 Mayıs 2023 Perşembe

IFS Database Automatic Shudown With Batch File

 Stopstart.bat :

set oracle_sid=prod

sqlplus sys/Password as sysdba @C:\stopp.sql


shutdown immediate



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